Sunday, October 24, 2004

Carving Pumpkins Tonight

Well, I'm carving my Halloween pumpkin tonight, and I decided to seek out some cool stencils on the web. I think I want to do a cat this year. I've never used a stencil or pattern before - I've always done your traditional jack-o-lantern faces. This year I'm going to try my luck.

After searching for stencils for a while, I found some OK ones, but nothing that really grabbed me. So I decided to draw my own. Now - I suck at drawing, but since stencils are kinda blocky anyway, I don't think mine turned out half bad. It's a bit like a pumpkin I saw online, and we'll see how it turns out! I'll post a photo of my pumpkin if it isn't too embarrassing.

My cousin Kevin is obsessed with the Statue of Liberty, and I found him a Lady Liberty stencil. There are some cool ones out on the web - just do a Google search for "pumpkin patterns" or "pumpkin stencils." I found lots of free ones - everything from the standard pumpkin faces, to George W. Bush and John Kerry, to the Osbournes, to Sponge Bob Squarepants and Hello Kitty. (Is Hello Kitty still around? I guess so - it was huge when I was a kid. I guess it all comes back around...)

Here's a good link with some pumpkin carving tips and other Halloween stuff:
Halloween Online Magazine - Pumpkin Carving 101

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